Last Week of May

The rainy season hasn’t started yet, the rains have been visiting Nu Po relentlessly. Heavy showers resulting in streams that resemble the wild rivers of the Himalayas, in miniature form. For some people the rains came too early as their roofs had not been fixed yet, at ESC we have little problems with the large roof and the office. As workers are busy else where we have to live with cups and saucers in places where dripping occurs.

After out avocado planting there were 4 totally dry days and this was not good for the plants. No sooner that we started watering, the rains returned and now we hope the trees have not suffered too much.

The second half of May saw the opening of a special Thai class. Student Wanpen was elevated to teacher and as she cannot speak Burmese, the class was open to those students who spoke well enough English to follow Wanpen. Ten students started the course with Ko Ga, Ko Khai.

In order to prepare the compound for the rains, yesterday a group of volunteers came and helped clean the compound, fix the path to the school, build a raised bed so Teacher Marco can grow his own food and after a coffee and snack watched the movie “Dirt” about soil and how important that is.

With dirt under their nails they went home.

Avocado Trees and Two Roofs


Two Shed Jackson was a famous artists in the 70’s in England, now we have “Two Roof” Dominique.

This Saturday a group of ESC students planted around 20 Avocado trees around the compound while some other students, with the main work done by Dominique created two small roofs in front of the doors of the office and the teacher room.

The First Week

A first week is always full of surprises, students register on the appointed day, and the day after, and the after and the day after and probably a week after. Classes have started and teachers are asked to be lenient and we are.

The second session started so far with 94 students, of which 37 are new. The students come from every section in the camp, and the majority is female.

Today we also had a small farewell as our teacher Wah Wah Htoo Say is leaving ESC for another future. She was with ESC for almost two years and has been very helpful with setting up the school again in 2017. Her enthusiasm in the classroom will be missed.

And also Tun Hla will focus on other topics. He was the person who started the talks in November to restart the school and he helped clearing the compound and some maintenance of the buildings. Without him ESC might not be the school it is now.

The school compound added to the farewell with being beautiful.